Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A few pictures.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Battle For Middle Earth 2.


  1. Sweet. I almost got to play BFME:2, but MY computer had a glitch in it's data. I'm left with BFME:1. Sigh. Awesome Armies.

  2. Awww man that stinks. BFME 2 is so much better than BFME 1.

  3. So I hear. And I even bought the expansion... A friend loaned me BFME:2, And I bought the expansion in hopes. And I think that the base data was corrupted. But without the discs (I had returned them), I was unable to reinstall it. It was funny, I COULD play, but I couldn't see any units except for expansion only ones.
