Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sarah's banner request.

Well here's the banner for you Sarah. Hahahaha sorry about the mess up. I'll get another one done in a day or so. Problem with doing so many layers is getting the coloring and shades right.


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :)


  2. Hey, could you make me one? :D

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  3. I am sure that he will make you a nice one Hannah*pokes Cyll*........ At least if you do not make him mad, then he might make you a hideous one! lol :P

    Cyll- I have made a blog button, and if you do not mind, please put it on your blog. ( you don't have to if you do not want too)


  4. Thanks for putting up my button!!!! :)


  5. a little more specific? What do you want in the banner? Orcs? Elves? Dwarves? Or just a certain character....?

  6. Eyowen. End of discussion. :D
    (some of her best pictures, if you don't mind:)

    Don't know how I would make him mad...after all, he "has no feelings", in his words. :)

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  7. *Wonders where she got that...though it's most likely being used out of context.* :)

  8. Are you quoting mercury?

    "I am a machine. I have no feelings, and therefore I do not fear death." Or something like that....

    MORE BALROGS! AND DWARVES! Less puny humans and stuck up elves... :P

  9. Dude get it right. "Threatening me is useless. As I am not truly alive I do not fear death."

    I am in total agreement with ya brother.

    I always liked the dwarves more than elves....though as for puny humans...there we might have an argument. xD

  10. Look, will you do it or not??? :p
    And btw, when was the last time I made you mad?????????

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  11. I'll try to do it. So far finding good pictures of Eowyn is rather hard.

    I don't think you have ever mad me truly mad. Very few people have. And if you want to carry that topic any farther I would suggest email not blogs.

  12. Puny humans... Sounds right to me. There were some good men, but they were to few and far between. Scotland+beards-being tall=DWARVES! I watched bravehart recently, and if I could shrink Hamish and add a beard, He would deserve a LOTR banner as one of the dwarves, but he deserves a banner as Hamish from Braveheart.

    Bolrogs were awesome looking, though they were evil. I almost wish there had been a good one...

    Elves are to concerned with themselves for the most part. They think too much of themselves. But there were some I ♥ LOVED! Like Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor. Ah, what a glorious tale of his single battle with Morgoth... *sigh* My single favorite Elfin character of all times.

    And Thoronder was awesome too. There needs to be more mention of the king of the eagles.

    I know, I got off the topic. Rose, Once I have my own computer, I'll be working on banners instead of patches. I'd like to try to outdo Cylleruion.

  13. YAY! Way to go, S_F!!!

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  14. Thank you. I am QUITE a fanatic. :D

  15. Fingolfin was AMAZING! I came closer to crying in that tale than I have in any other book. I'm pretty sure he's the only elf, man, or dwarf that ever even harmed Morgoth.

    Dwarves are just cool. Only time I ever felt like wringing their necks was when they murdered Thingol, and even then I felt like killing the elves many more times than that. Elves are all good and fine in their way but I see no reason for everyone to like Elves soooo much more than Dwárves or Men.

    Thoronder was very cool, would have LOVED more about him.

    ~Cyllëruion Gwàithovorn

    P.S. Your cheering him on for being a Tolkien Fanatic....*grin.* Way to go yourself.

  16. Uhhh...why is that a way to go for me???
    Oooh...and I have a question. A BIG question:
    Have either of you, S_F OR Cyll...heard of a 17 year-old guy named "William Kingson"?
    Tell the truth. Cause if you have....

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  17. Cyll-lol You actually came close to crying!!??!? :) :P

    I have cried in a ton of books, but that was not one of them..... I cried the most in Where the Red Fern Grows..... I will NEVER read that book again....

    S_F- I LOVE balrogs! They are SO cool! they are making a movie that leads up to LoTRs, and I hope they put the battle of Gothmog and that elf king.. ( I can't remember his name..) in it! that would be neat.

    Cyll- You should make yourself a banner with one on it..... I think that would be neat....

  18. Btw here is a link that has some really nice pics of Eowyn for Hannah:


  19. Have you, or have you not?
    Tell. Me.

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  20. lol He probably will not tell you....


  21. I will make this as quick as I can. Sir Furious, the strikes against the men are that some of them are evil. Funny thing is so are some of the Dwarves. And then the strike against the elves is that they are selfish??? You say this about the elves in defense for the most greedy race of Middle-Earth? Pot calling the kettle black?

    Robert L.

    P.S. Just tell Tolkien that his Dwarves where short scotts men...His next book would have been about the barbaric dwarves attacking from their highlands, and killing the peaceful people of Middle-Earth.
    Then tell a scotts men that he is a large dwarf from the English Author J.R.R. Tolkien's story, and see how much smaller you are after he is done with you. :)

  22. Dwarves have a passion for the works of their maker. Aulë was the Vala in control of the precious metals, and he made the Dwarves. It's only natural that they should seek to keep their makers works out of the hands of those who would defile it. The Elves were only concerned with themselves. I never claimed they were selfish. They are just self obsessed. They look down their noses at the other races. And, when did the scots ever attack and murder the people of england? At York, after 100 years of theft, murder, and rape. BACK-AT-CHA!

    Rose, No, I know of no such person.

    Sarah, FINALLY! A FEMALE WHO ACTUALLY LIKES THE BALROGS!!! They are AWESOME! I wonder what Olórin would have looked like if he hadn't taken the form of Gandalf. What would a good Balrog look like... Awesome idea!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. "Dwarves have a passion for the works of their maker. Aulë was the Vala in control of the precious metals, and he made the Dwarves. It's only natural that they should seek to keep their makers works out of the hands of those who would defile it."
    That is a long fancy way of saying someone is greedy friend. Since when did the dwarves stop being greedy. I thought that in Tolkien's world they were.
    And I was just pointing out that Tolkien would have not like your connection you made between his dwarves and the Scotts. Remember he was English. If he was depicting the dwarves as Scotts in a book he was writing, it would have been negitive about the Dwarves. It was not a knock against the scotts that they killed English, in both just and unjust war. I was in a way objecting to the Scotts being compared to Dwarves. I do not care for Dwarves all that much, but I like the Scotts. And by the way...If York was the only time you could come up with for when the Scotts beat the soup out the English...well you need to do something other then watch that movie Braveheart. The Scotts and the English murdered each other for many years in the board wars. Anyhow to each his own...Maybe you like the the Dwarves because you are more like them...Small and rash. (Yes I know they are strong and skilled at metal work so on and so forth, But as far as you go I think you match only what I mention. Fill free to pint out any other commonly held attributes you and Dwarves have.) I however am more of a woodsmen myself. So in a way I am more of an Elf fan. I am also a Archer and not a axe throwing short fat guy. :)

    Your Friend: Robert L.

    P.S..Hang in there Fox and Sir Furious. All is well. You hate elves all you want, that is fine...Just please do not call my Scotts Dwarves. :)

  25. I know there were more times than that, but York was the only time that really came to mind. It's just that they like ale, they fight great, and bagpipes and dwarves should be together.

    You are confusing the Petty-Dwarves (AKA Mîm, from the tale of Túrin Turambar. However, the longbeards (AKA the dwarves of Moria & The Lonely Mount) were NOT greedy. Yes, they hoarded gold, and yes they defended their territory, but they were not greedy. The dwarves of the lonely mount actually gave-*SHOCKED* I repeat GAVE their stuff away to other people. Now, I think Mîm would never have, but he was a petty-dwarf, and he was holding a dragons stash. But dwarves in general were NOT greedy.

    He that is also named,
    Aulë, MAker of the Dwarves, and therefore the one who has studyed them and must protect them from YOU!

    P.S. Gimli here in Valinor says yo, and I acknowladge your P.S.

  26. S_F- LOL Why would a girl NOT like balrogs?!!? I think that they are VERY cool! :)


  27. S_F--Good. All is cleared up now...I have talked with thy Master.

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  28. Sarah, I was not saying that girls shouldn't, it's just not often they do. Bur then again, I'm stuck in a family where the girls don't like LotR... Hmmm...

    BTW, how many of you haev read more than just the trilogy and hobbit?

  29. Rose...don't you ever say something like that again. I am NOT his master. You should know better.

    @Sarah: yes I did come close to crying when Fingolfin fought with Morgoth. But as to full out crying when I was reading there is only once book that has ever had that effect on me.

    Wow....a girl who likes balrogs....that's just...KEWL! Though technically Balrogs weren't really good or evil in a sense. Balrog is simply what the spirit was called when it took that certain form. At least that is how I have understood it.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Good grief. And you thought I couldn't take a joke. Seriously...after ALL the sarcastic things that you've said to me in a "joking" manner, you can't take just a bit of sarcasm from the girl that you constantly are making smart remarks at?

  32. LOL! Nice counter attack Rose. However, I still bet 10 quid on Cyll...

  33. Wuahahaahahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!

    Okaaaaaaaaaaay....too full of myself. xD

    Well at least I know how to be sarcastic at lease fairly well. You on the other hand seem to totally forget that most of my sarcasm is in face to face. If you couldn't tell, tone and facial expression doesn't travel through the internet. (at least not in text.)

    Also, most sarcasm on the internet has :P :D :) or something like those in it. If your being sarcastic on the internet you have to...exaggerate(?) A LOT.

    Besides, why would I really care about what you said? It was after all complimentary to me. So as you can see I wasn't even defending myself, just my best friend.

    *Whispers* So what's the score now Sir_F?

  34. I know that S_F is your best friend, and I respect that: I just don't see how he could be offended by that after all that you say to each other. I don't know S_F's mind on this, but I consider him a friend. If he doesn't, that's fine, if he does, that's fine, too. What I'm saying is that I would never--NEVER do anything on purpose to hurt him. Now if I did hurt him, he should speak up and tell me. Cyll, YOU are my friend, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, either...depending on my mood...:) BOTH of you are my friends, and if I'm not a friend in your eyes, then that's fine. If I did anything to hurt either of you...speak up and tell me!

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  35. You can ignore it ALL you want......

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose

  36. Number one, liking Balrog's is akin to liking orcs or Uruk Hai. It is completely backward, there is good reason why Legolas was so shaken by the appearance of the Balrog in Moria. Only the Dragons come close to matching the ruin and death that fell on the free people's of Beleriand because of the Balrog's. Balrog, translated into our common tongue means demon of power, there is no such thing as a good balrog, nor could there be one. True a Balrog is also Maiar, like Gandalf, and others, but a Balrog is a fallen Maia, however the name does only apply to those fallen Maia who took on the distinctive form of a Balrog. As for the Balrog that killed the Elven King, you must be referring to Gothmog, Captain of the Balrog's, who not only killed Feanor, the Second High King of the Noldor, but also slew Fingon, the fourth High King, at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Again, there is no excuse for liking Balrogs.

    As to the Man, Elf, Dwarf discussion, I will say this. Tolkien made it abundantly clear that the Dwarves were a greedy people. It is stated in the Hobbit, as well as in the appendix to the Return of the King, on Dwarves. The Battle of the Five armies was proceeded by a near conflict brought on by the greed of Thorin, and his stubbornness. Some will argue that the Elven King, Thranduil, was greedy too, but in truth, much of the treasure under the mountain belonged to Bard, and the men of Dale, and Thorin had no right to refuse Bard his claim because he did not want any of the treasure to go Thranduil, and the Elves. Also, as to the Elves 'haughtiness' and pride, they are the first born, and the wisest of all the free peoples. They held themselves aloof more in the later days than in the earlier years. Their distrust of men came from their betrayal by men at the previously mentioned Battle of Unnumbered Tears. The Dwarves were know as a secretive people, and would have little to do with the other kindreds of their own choice. However, at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, the Dwarves of Belghost stood beside the Elven host, and departed only after their king died driving off the Dragon, Glaurung. The unfriendly relations between Elves and Dwarves stem directly from the events in Doriath, from which point on there is only one instance prior to the Hobbit where Dwarves and Elves enjoyed good relations, and that was the trade between Moria, and Eregion, the Noldor stronghold near the Misty Mountains. So the Elves wariness of the other kindreds is born from painful experience, the reclusive nature of the Dwarves from their own desire for secrecy, perhaps also because they are not children of Iluvatar in the complete sense, hence they shy away from Men and Elves. Also, they were not anxious for news of the riches to travel, as amongst other things Dwarves are suspicious.
    Now, as for men, it is true that men have often failed, and that a great deal of harm befell Men and Elves because of those failures. However, the three kindreds of the Edain show forth the courage of men, and their loyalty to the Elves during the War with Morgoth is a testimony to the strength of Men. Unfortunately, they too fell, with the fall of Numenor, but as always, there were some who resisted, and remained faithful, for without the aid of men, both the Elves and Dwarves would have perished.

    Now, I must admit, I am partial to Elves and Men, though I am fond of Dwarves, and have defended them from defamation in the past. The reason that most people prefer Elves, Men, or Hobbits to Dwarves is that besides Gimli, and the Dwarves in the Hobbit, very little detail is given concerning them. Where as much time is devoted to men and Elves, especially in the Silmarillion. It is characters like Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod, and Beleg that bring one to respect the Elves. Legolas, Mablung, Ecthelion, Glorfindel, both of them, Gildor, Gil Galad, and others. Then you have their great cities, Gondolin, Nargothrond, Menegroth, Rivendell, and Fingolfin's capitol in Hithlum. The Forrest of Spears of Turgon's army, the Silent Hunters of Nargothrond, whose arrows stuck deep in the flesh of any Orc wandering in their land. The Horse archers of Fingon, who drove back Glaurung in his youth. Also, the Elves have the chill flame, that shows their fury and hatred for the creatures of Darkness. There is a lot to the Elves, the inherent sadness of their history, the lost bliss of Valinor, and so on.
    Another reason I am partial to Elves and Men, is their illustrious tradition of Archery. I have a keen liking for the Longbow, used both by the Elves, and by the Men of Arnor and Gondor. The Longbow is, in my opinion, the supreme weapon of the Medieval Battle field, and from all accounts in the Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion, it was even more effective against Orcs and Easterlings than the English Longbow was against the French, which is saying a lot, just look up Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt.

    Well, enough for now, does anyone have further questions or comments?

    John Calvin, Lore Master of the History of Middle-earth.

  37. Wow. How long did it take you to write that? :D

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose
